Dated 4 May, 2021

In accordance with Article 6, III, 1, of the French Law n°2004-575 for Confidence in the Digital Economy (loi pour la confiance dans l’économie digitale) and the provisions of the French Law n°78-17 dated 6 January 1978, as amended by Law n°2018-493 dated 20 June 2018, we inform you that:

  1. Publisher

This website is published by PLUG IN DIGITAL, a French simplified joint-stock company, with a share capital of EUR 158 186, registered with the Montpellier Trade and Companies Register under number 539 019 786, whose registered office is located at 15, rue des Constellations, 34070 Montpellier – France.

For any information relating to the Site and its use, you can contact us by email at, or by telephone at + 33 (0)4 99 75 30 80.

The Publication Director is Mr Francis Ingrand.

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The Site is hosted by OVH, a French sole shareholder simplified joint-stock company, registered with the Lille Trade and Companies Register under number 424 761 419, whose registered office is located at 2, rue Kellermann, 59100 Roubaix – France, reachable via its website or by phone at +33 (0) 820 698 765.

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Some elements of the website (hereinafter the “Site”) are protected by the French and international legislations on copyright and intellectual property (hereinafter the “Protected Elements”).

In accordance with the provisions of the French Intellectual Property Code, PLUG IN DIGITAL grants you a worldwide personal and limited right to use the Protected Elements solely for strictly private and personal purposes when navigating on the Site, limited to the family circle and for the length of your navigation.

Any other use of any Protected Elements, without the prior authorization of PLUG IN DIGITAL and/or other right holders is strictly forbidden and may constitute a punishable infringement.

DEAR VILLAGERS and PLUG IN DIGITAL are registered trademarks. You may not use or distribute in any way whatsoever the above-mentioned logos and/or trademarks without the express consent of the publisher. The other products or companies’ names mentioned on the Site are the property of their respective owners and may be trademarks or registered trademarks belonging to the publisher or to third parties, and protected as such by industrial property law. Any unauthorized reproduction is punishable by infringement of copyright.

  1. Privacy policy

In accordance with the provisions of the French Law n°78-17 dated 6 January 1978, as amended by the French Law n°2018-493 dated 20 June 2018, we inform you that the processing of personal data collected through the Site is carried out under the conditions detailed in the Privacy Policy.

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This Site contains links to other sites. Please note that we are not responsible for the privacy practices of such other sites unless they are owned by PLUG IN DIGITAL. For more information on the privacy practices of any site you may access via a link on this Site, please visit their own privacy policies and/or terms of use.

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This Site may include publicly accessible forums such as message boards, please exercise caution when deciding to disclose personal information as these areas become public information.

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